Friday 22 June 2012



Kota Barrage Dam is located about 0.8 km upstream of Kota City in Rajasthan. Kota Barrage the is fourth in the series of Chambal Valley Projects. Water released after power generation at Gandhi Sagar dam, Rana Pratap Sagar dam and Jawahar Sagar Dams, is diverted by Kota Barrage for irrigation in Rajasthan and in Madhya Pradesh through canals on the left and the right sides of the river.

Kota Dam was completed in 1960. Total catchment area of Kota Barrage is 27,332 km², of which the free catchment area below Jawahar Sagar Dam is just 137 km². The live storage is 99 Mm³. It is an earthfill dam with a concrete spillway. The right and left main canals have a headworks discharge capacity of 188 and 42 m³/sec, respectively. The total length of the main canals, branches and distribution system is about 2,342 km, serving an area of 2,290 km² of CCA.
50% of the water intercepted at Kota Barrage has been agreed to be diverted to Madhya Pradesh for irrigation. Kota Barrage operates 18 gates to control flow of flood and canal water downstream, and serves as bridge between parts of Kota on both side of the river.

This beautiful scene is ideal for outings and evening strolls. Massive flow/froth of water during opening of gates in monsoon season and accompanying vibration of bridge are particular attraction among locals. Though in past, mis- or non-communication about the discharge of water to residents near river bank has resulted in lost of lives of persons engaged in swimming or washing activities downstream.

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